A video conference was held at B. TRC training room with BAEC teachers of KS1 and KS2. This session was successfully completed last week. In this 2hr session KS1 and KS2 teachers' were provided information about the assessment for learning and how to implement practically in their classes. This session was focused mainly using AFL in teaching and learning and how to assess their subjects everyday. Session was conducted by Niuma Mohamed of ESQID. This session was conducted on 1st March 2016.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Hithadhoo School monitoring visit
B. Hithaadhoo visit is successfully completed last week. This visit is meant for monitoring KS1 and 2 teachers and to provide professional support to all teachers in ICT. 5 hr session were conducted for secondary teachers and 7 hrs completed by KS1 and KS2 teachers. These sessions were focused mainly using ICT in teaching and learning and how to incorperate ICT in their subjects everyday lessons. 2 hr sessions were taken for parents to aware more about the curriculum and assessment procedures. Sessions were conducted by B.TRC Teacher Educator Mohamed Arif. This programme was conducted on 24th and 25th of February 2016.
Kihadhoo School visit
Kihadhoo visit is successfully completed last week. This visit is meant for monitoring and KS1 and KS2 teachers' teaching and assist them with various areas. Classroom observations were done and gave feedback to teachers. In addition to this one of the aim of this visit was getting experience of multigrade teaching in B. kihaadhoo school. Many sessions were conducted in this regard to establish multigrade teaching in Kihadhoo School. B. Kihadhoo School KS1 and KS2 teachers also visited B. Dhonfan School to observer their multigrade classes. B. TRC Teacher Educator Mohamed Arif also participated in this trip. Sessions about multigrade teaching were conducted by M.TRC Teacher Educator Mohamed Nizam. This programme was conducted on 29th February to 2nd March 2016.